Life could be simple.
Learn and practice.
Practice and learn.
Don't make it complicated.

What I learned from those bad days

父辈和我所经历以及所看到的各种现实让我学会意识到:这世界没有强者赢的定律,而我也不完全认同所谓的赢者强。我所认为的胜负之道,判定不在外人,而该是自己。如果你认为你做得好了,便值得为自己鼓掌。从来我们的人生就不应交由外人来评定,更不应卑微地会因为他们的无解评判打分而忧愁。评判终由自己,其余都太虚而无意义。 最后引用我最喜欢的纪录片《20 feet from stardom》里的一段话: It's not a level playing field. It never is a level playing field, and you come into life understanding that. It's not about fairness. It's not really about talent. It's circumstance, it's luck, it's destiny. I don't know what it is. But the best people deal with that. —20 Feet From Stardom.


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